Resources for Injured Workers in Texas | Know the details here

Employees who are injured at their workplace are provided with informational resources from the Division of Workers’ Compensation, DWC. For a worker to receive benefits for a work injury, the employer must be subscribed to the insurance policy of the Workers’ Compensation System. However, in Texas, the employer is not required to offer this policy.

Read our blog about: Third-Party and Non-Subscriber Cases.

Goals of the Texas DWC

  • Regulate the compensation benefits that injured workers receive.
  • Help workers resolve disputes with insurers that pay these benefits or with employers.
  • Inform the procedure for filing a complaint.
  • Offer information on occupational health and safety.

Resources for injured workers

They are informational resources presented by the DWC in a Guide to Workers’ Compensation, through the following videos:

  • Basic Information on Workers’ Compensation.

It indicates the rights and responsibilities of the worker within the Compensation system, as well as the requirements to obtain benefits and where to go for legal help.

  • Its benefits.

This video explains the requirements and amounts of the different types of compensation benefits an injured worker can receive.

  • How to calculate

Explains how to calculate the amount of different types of income benefits.

  • Disputes vs. Complaints

It shows with typical examples when there is a dispute or disagreement between two parties and when you have a complaint because someone violated the workers’ compensation law.

  • Dispute resolution

Outlines and explains in detail each of the steps in the dispute resolution process.

  • Back to work

It has essential information that helps workers return to work after an injury: return to work programs, benefits and requirements.

  • How to get help

It is a video that exposes the functions of the assistants for the claims service, the importance of the data that the job must provide, and how to access it.