Workers’ Compensation FAQs

Will my illness or injury be covered if it wasn’t the direct result of an accident?

Yes. Workers’ compensation covers all illnesses and injuries caused by workplace activities. Repetitive motion injuries like tendonitis are not the result of an accident but can still be caused by work duties. Similarly, prolonged toxic exposure can lead to an illness that was not caused by one single incident. 

If you are suffering from an injury caused by something at work, you are likely covered. Call Rendon & Associates to discuss the details of your situation if you are unsure.

Can I choose which doctor I see after a workplace injury?

That depends on the rules in your state. In Texas, you must see a doctor within the workers’ compensation network. If you are not sure whether or not your doctor qualifies, ask your employer who they prefer you see. Remember that in an emergency, getting medical treatment is the top priority. However, if treatment for your injury is non-emergent, it is in your best interest to contact your employer about which physician or practice you should visit.

Labor Law attorney - Ruben Rendon

What benefits are covered under workers’ compensation?

Workers’ compensation does not just cover medical bills. Below is a list of everything that your claim can cover:

  • Medical bills: This includes all treatments, procedures, office visits, and transportation to and from medical treatment as it relates to your injury.
  • Lost wages: Your regular pay will still be provided while you recover from a workplace injury.
  • Disability: If you are temporarily or permanently precluded from work due to your injury, workers’ compensation will cover your disability payments. 
  • Death Benefits: If a worker dies due to their injuries, the surviving dependents will receive benefits, including funeral coverage. 


Note: Worker’s compensation does not cover compensation for pain and suffering. In exchange for filing a claim with workers’ compensation, you relinquish your right to sue your employer for more funds. 

How should I report my workplace injury?

Some employees assume that they should contact an attorney before reporting their workplace injury. This is not the best way to handle things. You should report your workplace injury as soon as it happens (or as soon as you realize that you are injured, as is often the case with repetitive motion injuries and illnesses). You will want to report the injury to your direct supervisor and the Human Resources department. 

There is a statute of limitations on workplace injury coverage, so the sooner you can alert your employer, the better. No reasonable attorney will be upset with you for taking that first step. Report first, and call us after.

We are incredibly proud to announce that Rubén Rendon has been selected by the Mexican Consulate in Houston as a consultant to work together on matters related to their constituents! It’s an honor and a privilege to support our community. Congratulations, Rubén!